Bangpa Heritage Farm-stay

About US

Located just below Ura Man Gi Lhakhang. The house is impressive and has plenty of rooms to accommodate a large number of people. The family was obligated to host important and often high ranking guests and therefore the home is one of the better equipped ones in the village.
Many years ago, Tashi Wangmo, the lady of the house, came to Ura as a bride from nearby Shingkhar village. Tashi’s family also belongs to what was previously referred to as lam chojé, a lineage of religious nobility. 

As the nangi aum (lady of the house), Tashi shoulders a lot of responsibilities.

Facilities: Indoor bathrooms with hot water shower, Western style toilets. Surroundings: Shingkhar village, Thrumshengla National Park, hike to Singmela & valley hike.

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